How to Claim and Get Compensation For Delayed Flight Under European Law

get compensation for delayed flight get compensation get compensation for delayed flight
Passengers whoever airfare is actually seriously late or even terminated have the right to reimbursement beneath Western European legislation's.
Within EU Regulation 261/2004, guests are entitled to approximately £460 in reimbursement as soon as their airfare countries with their destination greater than a few time late.
Airlines can steer clear of having to pay in the event the hold up is actually a result of a fantastic circumstance, for instance negative conditions or even folks punches.
Previously, air carriers normally turned down to pay out for delays the result of a complex mistake, claiming they will counted while remarkable occasions. Nevertheless a year ago, a pair of landmark Supreme Court docket rulings expressed that will service providers should shell out every time a hold up seemed to be the result of a complex mistake.

What exactly are my rights and what should I do?

Regulation (EC) 261/2004 requires airlines compensate passengers if their flight is cancelled or heavily delayed.
They must also offer you meals, refreshments and hotel accommodation as appropriate whilst you wait for a rearranged flight. They should also cover any transport costs between the hotel and the airport. There are no time or monetary limits on the provision of this assistance.
If your airline does not provide assistance, keep your spending to a minimum, make sure you get receipts and claim reimbursement from your airline when you get home.

get compensation from airlines

How does it work?

Under EU rules, airlines must pay compensation for cancelled or heavily delayed flights, however, they can escape this under some 'extraordinary circumstances'. This can include sudden severe weather events, such as the hurricane and the volcanic ash cloud episode almost three years ago will fall into this bracket.
Compensation is €250 (£190) for inter-EU flights of 930 miles or less, €400 (£310) for flights between 930 and 1,860 miles and €600 (£460) for other journeys.
It applies to any flight leaving an EU airport and any flight into the EU on an EU-based airline.
It is important to remember that The ruling that outlines these rights is Regulation (EC) 261/2004 and it applies to all flights wholly within the EU/EEA or Swiss region, or departing an EU/EEA or Swiss airport, or arriving in the region and run by an EU/EEA or Swiss airline.
This means any direct flight from the UK should be covered, along with any flight to it run by a European airline.
Originally this ruling only covered cancellations or denied boarding, although passengers could argue if a flight was delayed beyond a certain point it was effectively cancelled.

However, in 2009 the ECJ ruled in the Sturgeon case that compensation should also apply to long delays of more than three hours.
Passengers can claim by telling the airline their flight number, names and reason for the delay. If rejected, they can take their case to court.
Airlines will often try and claim extraordinary circumstances to wriggle out of paying, often this use to involve citing technical faults as being covered by this.
However, extraordinary circumstances are judged to be something unexpected and out of an airline's control, and it was argued that an airline should be prepared for mechanical problems as a matter of course -  and thus that these are not extraordinary.
Airlines trying to run their operations on a shoe-string have been accused of failing to put in back-up plans to get parts, repairs or replacements in place swiftly.
The nub of the matter is that if your flight is delayed by more than three hours, cancelled or overbooked, you may be able to claim.

Can my airline Reject a claim?

Airlines will still be able to deny payouts when the delay is beyond their control or 'extraordinary circumstances' – for example if there is bad weather or strikes.
However, extraordinary circumstances does not remove the duty of care that is also detailed in the regulations.
The rules state that airlines must provide passengers with accommodation, meals and refreshments and transport between the airport and accommodation. Airlines are breaking the rules if they shirk this obligation. 
If your airline turns down your claim under extraordinary circumstances you can challenge this if you do not believe it to be true. Write back to the explaining why this is not the case and explain that you will take the matter up with the Civil Aviation Authority if it is not settled properly.
A classic example is airlines claiming technical faults as extraordinary circumstances. However, this can be challenged. The problem is that many airlines are still trying to wriggle out of such claims.
The regulation gives no definition of exactly what extraordinary circumstances are, but does give some examples.
It says: 'As under the Montreal Convention, obligations on operating air carriers should be limited or excluded in cases where an event has been caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.
'Such circumstances may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected flight safety shortcomings and strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier.'
The crucial part of this is that it says 'which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken'.
This means that you can challenge the technical faults defence on the basis that an airline should have reasonable expectation that things can go wrong on an aircraft and should have contingency plans in place, ie replacement parts or access to them where it operates.
If your airline tries to claim extraordinary circumstances, challenge them to explain exactly what they were and why they could not have been reasonably avoided. The onus is on them to prove this.

How far back can I claim?
Regulation (EC) 261 does not set a time limit on how far back claims can go, instead stating that this should be determined by the laws in respective EU countries.
In the UK, the statute of limitations law is six years, so by this logic an airline should consider claims for delays dating back six years from the time the claim is submitted.
Some airlines have used legal loopholes to avoid paying out here too. Late last year we reported the case of a Monarch passenger who found the airline was delaying their claim while it waited for a court ruling. When that ruling arrived in passengers' favour, the This is Money reader tried to claim only to be told that he was out of the six years.
When he contested this on the basis it was Monarch that delayed things not him, he was told that despite having been in touch regularly over the years, as he had not made a court claim within the past six years he was outside the allotted time period.
Monarch said: 'If a customer presents their claim to an airline within six years but does not issue court proceedings and the six years have now expired, they are unfortunately unable to claim.
'It is our customers' responsibility to seek legal advice from either the Citizen's Advice Bureau, Civil Aviation Authority, or otherwise in order to find out if they need to take any action to stop time running out under the Limitation Act.'

How to Claim and Get Compensation Delayed Flight Under UE Rules

What if my airline offered me nothing?
Regulation (EC) 261/2004 requires airlines to offer you meals, refreshments and hotel accommodation as appropriate whilst you wait for a rearranged flight. They should also cover any transport costs between the hotel and the airport. There are no monetary or time limits on the provision of this assistance.
If your airline did not provide assistance, and you had to arrange it yourself, the airline should reimburse your expenses. This should at least include a hotel while you waited to get home and meals if you can provide receipts.
If the airline failed to offer you a refund or rerouting, then you should argue that by not carrying out its duty you were left with no choice but to seek an alternative method of getting home and could try to claim for this too.

What will happen?

If you are not given the assistance that you are due, you will need to make a claim against the airline. You will need receipts and proof of expenses and they must be reasonable.
It is always unclear what airlines will do when faced with claims. Some may try and refuse to pay and stave off claims. If this happens passengers need to use the courts to force payment. The best way to do this is through the small claims track of the county court.

What can't I claim?

Your expenses should be reasonable. A hotel similar to the standard of the one you were staying in, a simple meal and basic transport needs are OK. Living it large and then trying to charge it to the airline is unlikely to work.
You are also unlikely to find airlines paying for the expense of you abandoning your flight and navigating your way home yourself. Although, if you have taken the simplest and best value route you may be covered and if you had been advised to get yourself home and that you would be reimbursed by the airline, then you should state this and claim.
This is Money has heard a lot of reports of airlines trying to fob off passengers, deny they are issuing reimbursements or claim that this is not the law. That is untrue and while you may need to be persistent, you should get your money.
If your airline does claim extraordinary circumstances, they need not pay the compensation amounts above but still have a duty of care to look after you and get you where you are meant to be going.
You should tell them that under Regulation (EC) 261/2004 Article 5 you are entitled to be reimbursed or re-routed under Article 8 and also offered assistance, including accommodation, meals and transport under Article 9.
You should also state that under Article 5, airlines are able to not pay compensation in accordance with article 7 in the case of 'extraordinary circumstances', but crucially that this extraordinary circumstances clause does not apply to the entitlement to assistance under Article 9.

The sample reclaim letters to Claim and Get Compensation Delayed Flight Under UE Rules

We have provided a sample paragraph and letter for you to use. Either copy and paste the paragraph into your letter, or use the letter template and add your personal details into it.
Copy and paste the text, as needed, adding in your details. 
Delays or cancellations not classed as extraordinary circumstances

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing regarding flight [flight number] on [date] from [departure airport] to [arrival airport] with the scheduled departure time of [scheduled departure time].
My booking reference is [booking or reservation reference if available]. This flight arrived [number of hours] hours late at [airport] (or) This flight was cancelled and I arrived late on [time and date of arrival].
The passengers in the party were [names of party].
The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Tui & others v CAA confirmed the applicability of compensation for delay as set out in the Sturgeon case. As such, I am seeking compensation under EC Regulation 261/2004 for this delayed flight.
My scheduled flight length was [number of kilometres – see here if you need to check flight length], therefore I am seeking [if less than 1500km: €250, if more than 1500km but less than 3500km: €400, if more than 3500km: €600) per delayed passenger in my party. The total compensation sought is €].
I look forward to hearing from you and would welcome a response in 14 days.,
Yours faithfully,
[passenger name]

Delays or cancellations classed as extraordinary circumstances
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing regarding flight [flight number] on [date] from [departure airport] to [arrival airport] with the scheduled departure time of [scheduled departure time].
My booking reference is [booking or reservation reference if available]. This flight arrived [number of hours] hours late at [airport] (or) This flight was cancelled and I arrived late on [time and date of arrival].
Unfortunately, your airline failed to meet its obligations under EU rules and did not provide me with the assistance it should have in the form of rerouting home / accommodation / meals / transport to the airport. [Delete as applicable.]
I am therefore asking you to please compensate me for £----. I enclose receipts.
The EU rules that state that I should have been assisted by yourselves are in Regulation (EC) 261/2004. In this Article 5 states that in the case of cancellation or delay of more than one day I am entitled to be reimbursed or re-routed under Article 8 and also offered assistance, including accommodation, meals and transport under Article 9.
Article 9 states:
1. Where reference is made to this Article, passengers shall be offered free of charge:
(a) meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time;
(b) hotel accommodation in cases
— where a stay of one or more nights becomes necessary,
or — where a stay additional to that intended by the passenger becomes necessary; (c) transport between the airport and place of accommodation (hotel or other).
2. In addition, passengers shall be offered free of charge two telephone calls, telex or fax messages, or e-mails.
3. In applying this Article, the operating air carrier shall pay particular attention to the needs of persons with reduced mobility and any persons accompanying them, as well as to the needs of unaccompanied children.
Under Article 5 part 3, airlines are able to avoid paying compensation in accordance with Article 7 in the case of 'extraordinary circumstances', but this extraordinary circumstances clause does not apply to the entitlement to assistance under Article 9.
A 2014 ruling ratified by the Supreme Court, in the case of Huzar vs Jet2, says that European airlines can no longer claim technical faults as extraordinary circumstances, so must pay out compensation for flight delays of longer than three hours such cases.
I thank you for your assistance with this and await your response.
Yours faithfully

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New York State Bar Association-NY Attorney Search

New York State Bar Association Overview 

Established: 1876 Total Number of Members: 75,000 Out of State Members: 18,000 Membership is: Voluntary Membership in Other Bar Associations: American Bar Association, National Conference of Bar Presidents, Mid-Atlantic Bar Conference, National Association of Bar Executives, National Conference of Bar Foundations 

New York State Bar Association Profile:

The New York State Bar Association is the largest voluntary state bar association in the nation with more than 75,000 members. Members include private practitioners in small and large firms, government and public service attorneys, legal educators, judges and law students.
The Association was established in 1876 to promote reform in the law, cultivate the science of jurisprudence, facilitate the administration of justice, and elevate the standards of integrity, honor, professional skill and courtesy in the legal profession. These purposes are addressed today through the presentation of numerous educational programs, publications and other services to enhance professional development; analyses of pending legislation, development of proposed legislation, and issuance of other reports and recommendations to improve the law and functioning of the justice system; public service initiatives, including resources to promote training and opportunities for pro bono service, and a law-related education program conducted in cooperation with the State Education Department.
The Association's governing bodies are the 282-member House of Delegates and the 26-member Executive Committee.
The Association is committed to active participation in the legislative process. Through the Department of Governmental Relations, affirmative legislative proposals are prepared and promoted in conjunction with Sections and Committees, and the latter groups also comment on pending legislation affecting their respective fields of interest. The Association's legislative priorities includes the following:
  • Judicial salary reform;
  • Access to the justice system for impoverished persons;
  • Court reform relating to the structure of the court system and to judicial selection;
  • The Compact for long-term care to provide fair and equitable ways to finance long-term care for elderly and disabled persons; and
  • Support for proposals that promote and benefit the legal profession.
The innovative Law, Youth and Citizenship Program enables hundreds of attorneys and judges to work in partnership with schools and teachers throughout New York to bring law-related and civic education to the classrooms of the state. The LYC Program, funded by NYSBA, The New York State Bar Foundation and grants from the Center for Civic Education, offers programs for elementary, middle and high school students and professional development for their teachers. LYC hosts the statewide Mock Trial Program, We the People, Project Citizen, summer institutes, teacher workshops, education conferences and a statewide essay contest. Each year, a New York educator and attorney are recognized for contributing to the civic and law-related education efforts in New York. The program's website,, is a valuable resource for New York teachers.
Each year, more than 200 courses are conducted at sites across the state through the Continuing Legal Education Program in conjunction with relevant Sections and Committees. Programs range from practical skills, to the latest changes in the law, to advanced level presentations. The CLE Program also produces numerous coursebooks, in-depth texts, reference books, CDs, DVDs, audio and videocassettes and disks, as well as on-line programs.
Members have the opportunity for active involvement through 23 Sections, more than 60 Committees and Task Forces concentrating on particular fields of law and practice. Programs, publications and reports are produced through Sections and Committees to address issues in these areas of concern. In addition, NYSBA's substantive sections are successfully implementing Ambassador Programs. Volunteer "Ambassadors" serve newly admitted attorneys by welcoming them into the section, encouraging their participation, creating networking and personal growth opportunities, extending personal invitations to section activities and events, and helping them understand the Association's importance, structure and various leadership opportunities.
Most Sections of the Association conduct educational programs and business meetings in conjunction with the Annual Meeting in January. The Association's 2008 Annual Meeting was held in New York City from January 28-February 2 at the New York Marriott Marquis.
Through committees such as the Law Practice Management and the General Practice Section, the Association provides assistance and examples of how to start-up and market a law practice effectively, ethically and profitably. The Association continues to upgrade and update its Web site to assist members in maximizing electronic resources in their work and is continually looking to enrich the website for the benefit of members.
The Young Lawyers Section mentoring program is a service designed to allow section members an opportunity to consult with seasoned lawyers about specific legal or law office management questions. The Young Lawyers Section also looks to other opportunities for mentoring programs and professional development within the Section, the Association, and the profession.
Attorneys, judges or law students needing assistance with stress, alcoholism, substance abuse, depression or other mental health issues can obtain help through the Lawyer Assistance Programâ??s helpline. The program offers personal attention through confidential assistance, intervention and education, in conjunction with the Lawyer Assistance Committee.
Through the Lawyer Referral and Information Service, callers are directed to attorneys in their geographic area who have indicated they maintain the ongoing professional expertise to handle matters in the caller's particular area of need. The program covers 41 counties, where county or local bar associations do not maintain a referral service. Last year, more than 40,000 callers were assisted. Members of the public are also directed toward other agencies for assistance. Experienced panels are available to handle more complicated cases in the areas of custody, criminal law, elder law, estate law, farm/agricultural matters, medical malpractice and personal injury.
The Association promotes the delivery of civil legal services to the indigent through advocacy for greater funding for staffed programs and greater pro bono participation by lawyers. The new Empire State Counsel program honors every member who certifies that he or she has rendered 50 hours of free legal services to the poor in a calendar year. In recognition of such services where they are most urgently needed, these attorneys will receive the honorific title "Empire State Counsel", which they can use on promotional material, and will also receive special recognition and publicity. Several committees -- including the President's Committee on Funding for Civil Legal Services - and the Department of Pro Bono Affairs advance the Association's access to justice mission.
The New York Bar Foundation is dedicated to aiding charitable and educational projects to meet the law-related needs of the public and the legal profession. The charitable and philanthropic arm of the Association, The Foundation provides grant awards to programs throughout the State of New York that facilitate the delivery of legal services, improve the justice system and the law, enhance professional competence and ethics, and increase public understanding of the law.
The New York State Conference of Bar Leaders, a NYSBA-affiliated organization, operating through the Association, serves as a forum to exchange information and perspectives among leaders of more that 150 local, ethnic, minority, specialty and women's bar associations. The Association also is represented in the American Bar Association House of Delegates and participates in the National Conference of Bar Presidents, the Mid-Atlantic Bar Conference, the National Association of Bar Executives and other forums.
These are some significant milestones in NYSBA history:
1877 - Legislation signed into law by Governor and NYSBA President David B. Hill removes the restrictions on the admission of women to the practice of law.
1890 - NYSBA sponsors a centennial celebration of the organization of the judicial department of the federal government and the first meeting of the U.S. Supreme Court.
1896 - A NYSBA proposal becomes what is now the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, the first global means for settling disputes among nations.
1920 - NYSBA adopts the Canons of Ethics (today known as the Code of Professional Responsibility), and recommends that the Court of Appeals require applicants to sign an affidavit that they have read the rules, that the Board of Law Examiners test applicants concerning the Canons, and that law school faculty teach professional ethics - - all measures in place today.
1941 - Based on NYSBA's recommendations, the governor signs into law The Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act and other vehicle provisions pertaining to public safety, record-keeping, and financial responsibility for accidents.
1945 - NYSBA responds to legal needs in time of war, and recommends lawyers to serve as Government Appeal Agents for Selective Service boards. NYSBA also organizes a corps of lawyers throughout the state to provide legal assistance to members of the military.
1957 - NYSBA produces Standards of Practices for Doctors and Lawyers in cooperation with the State Medical Society. The project is part of an effort to provide guidance, and enhance procedures in litigation and related matters.
1969 - NYSBA is a leader in the establishment of the New York Fair Trial Free Press Conference, bringing together lawyers, judges, journalists and law enforcement authorities to work to balance First and Sixth Amendment rights, discuss issues and foster better understanding of each other's roles and relationships.
1989 - NYSBA commissions a landmark study of the legal needs of the indigent in New York State and presents a plan to increase pro bono representation by lawyers.
1997 - For the first time in its history, the Association files a lawsuit against the federal government and prevails in court, opposing a law, commonly called, "Granny's Advisor Goes to Jail," which criminalizes advising the elderly about lawful transfers of assets in order to qualify for Medicaid.
2001 - Based upon NYSBA's extensive study and recommendations, New York becomes the first state to adopt changes in the Code of Professional Responsibility to address issues of multidisciplinary practice, where members of more than one profession are grouped in a single organization to provide professional services to clients.
2003 - NYSBA attains its #1 legislative priority, enactment of increases in assigned counsel fees, which is the first increase since 1986. The rates were increased for in-court work from $40 per hour to $75 per hour for felony/Family Court work and $60 per hour for misdemeanors. Under the new formula, no distinction is made between in and out-of court work. The law also creates a $64 million Indigent Legal Services Fund to help local governments offset the cost of the pay hike for assigned counsel.
2004 - As a result of a lawsuit filed by the Association, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the privacy provisions of Title V of the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act ("GLBA") do not apply to lawyers. The ruling was subsequently upheld on appeal.
2005 - The Association, in partnership with 17 minority bar associations from around New York State and nationally, hosted a roundtable event marking the 51st anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, one of the most significant decisions ever handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. This history-making event featured New York lawyers and other civil rights leaders who played a role in the monumental case and gave first-hand accounts of their experiences. 

January 28-February 2, 2008 New York Marriott Marquis, New York, NY 

New York State Bar Association-NY Attorney Search


The Association maintains the following Sections. Chairs are listed below each Section.
Chair: Stacey Anne Mahoney
Chair: James W. Orband
Chair: Carrie H. Cohen
Chair: Gary F. Roth
Chair: Jean T. Walsh
Chair: Ami S. Longstreet
Chair: Kenneth N. Swezey
Chair: Louis E. Alexander
Chair: Patrick C. O'Reilly
Chair: David S. Weinstock
Chair: Harriette M. Steinberg
Chair: Peter J. Millock
Chair: Debra Ivy Resnick
Chair: Marco A. Blanco
Chair: Hon. Leonard B. Austin
Chair: Robert Kingsley Hull
Chair: Robert B. Koegel
Chair: Karl B. Holtzschue
Chair: David S. Miller
Chair: Daniel W. Gerber
Chair: Evan M. Goldberg
Chair: Wallace Leinheardt
Chair: Valerie M. Cartright

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Texas State Bar Association Attorney Search

The State Bar of Texas

The State Bar of Texas (the Texas Bar) is an agency of the judiciary under the administrative control of the Texas Supreme Court. The Texas Bar is responsible for assisting the Texas Supreme Court in overseeing all attorneys licensed to practice law in Texas. It is the fifth largest organization of lawyers in the United States. The State Bar is headquartered in the Texas Law Center at 1414 Colorado Street in Austin.

Type : Legal Society
Headquarters : Austin, TX
Location : United States

State Bar Attorney Search Texas

The Texas Bar is composed of those persons licensed to practice law in Texas and is an "integrated" or "mandatory" bar. The State Bar Act, adopted by the Legislature in 1939, mandates that all attorneys licensed to practice law in Texas be members of the State Bar. As of 2014, membership in the Texas Bar stands at 95,437.

The purposes of the State Bar of Texas are:
to aid the courts in carrying on and improving the administration of justice;
to advance the quality of legal services to the public and to foster the role of the legal profession in serving the public;
to foster and maintain, on the part of those engaged in the practice of law, high ideals and integrity, learning, competence in public service, and high standards of conduct;
to provide proper professional services to the members of the state bar;
to encourage the formation of and activities of local bar associations;
to provide forums for the discussion of subjects pertaining to the practice of law, the science of jurisprudence and law reform, and the relationship of the state bar to the public; and
to publish information relating the practice of law, the science of jurisprudence and law reform, and the relationship of the state bar to the public.
The organization provides avenues for citizens to file grievances against attorneys and provides continuing legal education (CLE) courses for attorneys.

The mission of the State Bar of Texas is to support the administration of the legal system, assure all citizens equal access to justice, foster high standards of ethical conduct for lawyers, enable its members to better serve their clients and the public, educate the public about the rule of law and promote diversity in the administration of justice and the practice of law.
The Bar is run by an executive director, currently Michelle Hunter, and a board of directors made up of volunteers. The current president of the State Bar of Texas, Trey Apffel of League City, took office on June 26, 2014.
Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct
The Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct are promulgated by the Texas State Bar through the authority of the Texas Supreme Court. These rules "set forth principles to which attorneys should aspire and rules to which they must conform".

Although lawyers have had statewide organizations in Texas since the 19th century, the State Bar of Texas began its formal existence on April 19, 1939, when Governor W. Lee O'Daniel signed House Bill No. 74, titled the State Bar Act of 1939. From that point, membership in the State Bar of Texas became a prerequisite for the practice of law in Texas.
Sections of the State Bar of Texas
Administrative & Public Law; African-American Lawyers; Alternative Dispute Resolution; American Indian Law; Animal Law; Antitrust and Business Litigation; Appellate; Asian-Pacific Interest; Aviation Law; Bankruptcy Law; Business Law; Collaborative Law; Computer & Technology; Construction Law; Consumer and Commercial Law; Corporate Counsel; Criminal Justice; Entertainment and Sports Law; Environmental and Natural Resources; Family Law; General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm; Government Law; Health Law; Hispanic Issues; Immigration and Nationality Law; Individual Rights and Responsibilities; Insurance Law; Intellectual Property Law; International Law; James C. Watson Inn of Former Officers and Directors; Judicial; Justice of the Peace; Juvenile Law; Labor and Employment Law; Law Student Division; LGBT Law; Litigation; Litigation - Sustaining; Military Law; Municipal Judges; Oil, Gas, and Energy Resources Law; Paralegal Division; Poverty Law; Public Utility Law; Real Estate, Probate & Trust; School Law; Taxation; Women and the Law; Workers' Compensation

texas state bar association attorney search

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List of Companies That Facing Asbestos Mesothelioma Lung Cancer Lawsuits & Settlements

Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawsuits & Settlements

List of Companies That Facing Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawsuits & Settlements

Billions of dollars in compensation has been awarded to plaintiffs in asbestos lung cancer lawsuits. Most recently, a New York jury awarded $25 million to two men who developed cancer form asbestos exposure during their employment as electricians for Crane Co.
Hundreds of companies are facing asbestos lawsuits and asbestos class action lawsuit from former employees and their family members for negligently exposing them to this dangerous material. Some of these companies include:
  • Alcoa (Aluminum Co. Of America)/(F/K/A Reynolds Metals)
  • Allied Chemical
  • Amoco (American Oil Co.) /Pan American Refining/Standard Oil Co.
  • Arco (Atlantic Richfield Company) / Sinclair / Atlantic Richfield / Koppers
  • Armco Steel Corp.
  • Avondale Shipyards Inc
  • B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co.
  • Babcock & Wilcox Company
  • Basf / Dow Badische / Badische Chemical / Dow Chemical
  • Bethlehem Steel Co.***
  • Catepillar Tractor Co
  • Celanese Chemical Co./Corp. Of America
  • Champion International Corp. (Champion Paper Co./International Paper)/Southland Paper/St. Regis
  • Chevron/Phillips Chemical/Petroleum Company/Gulf Oil ***
  • Commonwealth Edison Co
  • Diamond Alkaline / Diamond Shamrock / Occidental Chemical
  • Duke Power Co.
  • Dupont Co./Dupont Chemical
  • E.I. Du Pont De Nemours Co.
  • Empire Detroit Steel Co.
  • Exxon/Mobil Oil Corp Chemical/Refinery/Humble Oil And Refining/Magnolia Oil
  • Florida Power And Light
  • General Electric Co.
  • International Paper Co.
  • Jones & Laughlin Steel Co./Ltv Steel/Republic Steel/Youngstown Sheet & Tube
  • Kaiser Aluminum/ Kaiser Aluminum Chemical Corp
  • Koppers Company (A/K/A Arco/Polymers, Inc. Or Sinclair-Koppers)
  • Monsanto Chemical Co.
  • Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp.
  • Pennsylvania Electric Co.
  • Pennsylvania Power & Light
  • Pittsburgh Plate Glass
  • Proctor And Gamble
  • Pure Oil Co.
  • Rohm & Haas Chemical Co.
  • Sharon Steel Corp.
  • Shell Oil Co./Shell Chemical
  • Standard Oil Co.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Texaco Oil/Chemical / Neches Butane / Jefferson Chemical / Huntsman Corp.
  • Todd Shipyards Corp
  • U.S. Steel/ Carnegie Steel
  • Union Carbide & Carbon Chemical Corp.
  • United States Steel Corporation
  • Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.
  • Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corporation

If you or your loved one worked at one of these companies or a company not on this list and were diagnosed with lung cancer, you may have a legal claim

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20 years of experience as an attorney.

Reginald A. Greene is known by clients and colleagues as "The Super Lawyer" for his level of skill, experience and commitment. He has nearly two decades of experience in the legal field as an attorney.
Top super lawyer Atlanta Personal Injury Defense attorney

Attorney Greene is the founder and managing attorney of Greene Legal Group LLC, a full-service boutique law firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. The firm serves clients in Metro Atlanta and its surrounding counties as well as nationwide, with a local presence and a global perspective.

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Attorney Greene has won millions of dollars in settlements for accident victims and their families. If you were injured in an accident; or, due to the fault of another person, company or municipality; your recovery, emotional stability and financial security are important to us. Greene Legal Group LLC can get you the best possible settlements or take your case to trial when necessary. Our clients benefit from a tremendous amount of experience with jury trials and settlements in all types of personal injury cases. We have obtained millions of dollars in settlements for our clients. Contact me personally for a free consultation.

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600 West Peachtree Street NW, #605
Atlanta, GA 30308

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the service was good his response time was exceptional should you find yourself in need of his services you should not hesitate in calling them they are very good.

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Free Consults Offered by New York City Construction Accident Attorney-Lurie, Ilchert, MacDonnell & Ryan LLP

Construction injuries are an all-too-common occurrence in New York, New Jersey and the surrounding metro area. Construction is a dangerous industry. Many things can go wrong, from Falls from heights,Scaffolding accidents,Electrocution,Machinery accidents,Falling objects,Supervisor negligence, malfunctioning equipment and more.
new york construction Falls from heights,Scaffolding accidents,Electrocution,Machinery accidents,Falling objects,Supervisor negligence, malfunctioning equipment
Injury at works
While workers’ compensation might be available for some NY construction accidents, it is rarely enough to cover all the costs of serious injuries. That’s where our personal injury attorneys can help you with a potential third-party construction accident claim.
Work injury attorney
Our firm takes on a limited number of construction accident cases so that we have the time and resources to devote to each case. When we take on a case, we are confident that we can provide you with the tools for a successful case.

Why Hire Lurie, Ilchert, MacDonnell & Ryan LLP?
New York City Construction Accident Attorney Providing More Than 100 Years of Combined Legal Experience
At Lurie, Ilchert, MacDonnell & Ryan LLP, we have dedicated a significant portion of our practice to helping construction accident victims recover the level of compensation that they deserve. While we are well-qualified to represent a wide variety of personal injury claims in New York, we have found that these cases require the assistance of a particularly aggressive and experienced firm. It is for this reason that we have devoted our time to advocating for the rights of injured workers.
Work Injury Our firm is comprised of five attorneys, ten assistants and numerous investigators, interpreters and secretaries—all of whom maintain an extensive legal background. Together, we are able to contribute more than 100 years of combined experience to each case that we take on, so you can rest assured that you will receive nothing less than the competent legal representation that you are looking for when you turn to our firm for guidance.
Free Consultation with a NYC Construction Accident attorney lurie

New York City Construction Accident Attorney Securing Million-Dollar Verdicts & Settlements on Behalf of Our Clients
When you trust in a New York City construction accident attorney from our firm to guide you through the process of pursuing compensation, you feel confident in the future of your case knowing that we have already recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for past clients. In fact, approximately eighty of our clients have received more than $1,000,000 for their injuries, while an additional two hundred have been able to walk away with $500,000.

Not only has this helped us to secure a membership in The Top Trial Lawyers in America, but it has even earned us a spot in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum—which is an honor that less than 1% of all practicing lawyers in the U.S. can claim to possess. For this reason, we encourage you to focus on the matter of your recovery while you let Lurie, Ilchert, MacDonnell & Ryan LLP handle all of the heavy lifting.

You Won't be Expected to Pay for Our Services Unless We Win Your Case

After suffering a serious injury, you may be hesitant to pursue your case simply because you don't have the money to hire a lawyer. Fortunately, this won't be an issue when you come to our firm for help. Since we do not ask our clients to pay us a fee unless we are successful in securing a favorable outcome in their case—either through verdict or settlement—you can retain the legal counsel that you will need without worrying about enormous out-of-pocket expenses.

Personal Injury at Work

Instead, our fees are strictly limited in accordance with Court rules. At the conclusion of your case, we would provide you with a detailed list of the fees that were incurred, but again, we would only do so if we were able to collect money on your behalf. For this reason, there is no reason why you should wait any longer to enlist the professional assistance that you will need to successfully pursue your claim. Call today or submit a free case evaluation form online to get started.

Call for a Free Consultation with a NYC Construction Accident Lawyer

Regardless of how you were injured, whether the accident stemmed from an unsafe work environment or the negligence of your supervisor, the dedicated legal team at Lurie, Ilchert, MacDonnell & Ryan LLP welcomes the opportunity to review your case. When you call our firm, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any questions that you may have. What's more, your initial consultation won't cost you a thing.
Work Relates Injury You can either call our office directly or submit a free case evaluation form online to get started. From there, our NYC construction accident lawyers will have the chance to address your concerns and point you in the right direction. Should you subsequently choose to retain the services of our firm, we can then begin developing a strong legal strategy on your behalf. As such, we ask you to take advantage of a no-cost consultation today to find out what we can do for you.

work related injuries

Injured in a construction accident? Let us help you secure compensation.
At Lurie, Ilchert, MacDonnell & Ryan LLP, we specialize in representing claims related to:
Falls from heights
Scaffolding accidents
Machinery accidents
Falling objects
Supervisor negligence
We understand that these are often very tragic situations, with long term consequences for the victim and the family. We believe that an injured construction worker should be able to recover the maximum possible in damages, and once you retain our legal services, you can expect your case to be addressed with persistence, dedication, and the highest level of legal skill.

Construction Accident Injury Claims in New York City

A New York City construction accident lawyer from our firm should evaluate your case as early as possible. It is crucial that any supporting evidence is collected and preserved before it is destroyed, and witnesses interviewed while their memories are fresh. As our scope of practice is focused strictly upon injury cases, we urge you to connect with our firm if you or your loved one has suffered a serious, catastrophic, or fatal injury while working on a construction site.
We are passionate advocates for injured construction workers, and you can expect the highest level of legal service if we accept your case. As litigators, we are recognized for our professional case preparation and presentation, and recommended for our ability to negotiate with insurance companies and achieve a settlement that reflects the actual damages in the case.

New York City Office Location: 
475 Park Avenue South #2800 
New York, New York 10016 

also serve clients in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, Richmond, Queens, and Kings County.

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Obtain Justice and the Fair Compensation With Pennsylvania Dedicated Truck Accident Lawyer

The Law Offices Of Martin & Nelson:  Dedicated Truck Accident Lawyer Providing Legal Representation To Injured Victims in Delaware or Pennsylvania

Following an accident with a commercial truck and trailer, it is not uncommon to be left with debilitating injuries and major financial burdens. If you or someone you love have been involved in a truck related accident in Delaware or Pennsylvania,, seek legal representation immediately. Having a skilled attorney on your side will be extremely important in establishing a solid case and to ensure compensation for damages suffered. Commercial Trucking Companies and Insurance Providers will try their best to minimize responsibility and payout, so it is important to fully understand your rights.

contact the law offices of Martin & Nelson to discuss your potential claim with an experienced Delaware trucking accident lawyer. With our tenacity for seeking justice, you can be assured that we will aggressively fight to obtain the maximum compensation to which you are entitled for your injuries. Call us today at (302)-295-5050 or toll free at (800) 300-0909 to schedule a free consultation.

Delaware Truck Accident Lawyer

Representing A Wide Spectrum Truck Accident Victims In Delaware And Pennsylvania

Trucking accidents are among the most serious and deadly accidents that occur on our nation’s roadways and highways. Sadly, all types of trucking accidents occur on a daily basis. In Delaware, these accidents typically occur on heavily-traveled highways including I-95, I-495, I-895 and I-295. In the event of a collision, the sheer size and weight of trucks as well as other large commercial vehicles can cause a tremendous impact on the individuals involved. This is especially true for occupants in passenger vehicles. In an instant, lives are forever changed. Individuals often suffer catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, paralysis and even death. Many of these types of injuries require lifelong care.

The Law Offices Of Martin & Nelson
Seeking Justice And Compensation

For more than 30 years, the personal injury law firm at Martin & Nelson has been representing injured victims and their families who have suffered devastating losses resulting from accidents, including truck accidents involving semi-trucks, tractor trailers, 18 wheelers and other big rigs. Truck accident lawsuits are complex and challenging, and require the legal services of an experienced personal injury attorney who understands the causes of truck accidents, the parties facing liability, and the federal laws and regulations that apply to the trucking industry.

The truck accident law firm at Martin & Nelson have the knowledge, skills and resources to fully investigate truck accidents and to build effective cases against all responsible parties. We try to resolve cases as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, each case is prepared as if we were taking it to trial. We will stand up to the insurance companies that will try to negotiate unfair or minimal settlements for your injuries. Our goal is to obtain justice and the fair compensation that will entitle you to move forward with your recovery. This compensation can help cover your medical expenses, future medical treatments, permanent disabilities, loss of wages, property damage, and your pain and suffering. Our successes include multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts for our injured clients.

Law Office Of Martin & Nelson
Philadelphia, PA Office 123 S. BROAD ST., SUITE 1820
Office: (215) 731-9900

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